Cinema Brasil Digital main focus is the production of Feature Films and documentaries. It was founded in 1992 to produce partner manager Murilo Salles’ feature films. In the past 10 years, 5 feature films were produced and released, 2 of which reaching more than 4000 viewers per copy.

Initially conceived to produce movies by its partner manager, after 2002, CBD decided to expand its experience by producing movies by other directors.

The first one was "Árido Movie", by Lírio Ferreira, that had its International Premiere at the Venice Film Festival in 2005.

CBD label is to produce high cultural quality movies.

Next, an overview of our major productions:


• O Brasil Manifestado - És Tu, Brasil II - Documentary. Feature film.
Screenplay and direction by Murilo Salles.
Actually in pre-production. Shooting 2nd semester of 2007.

The country idealized in its major Declarations. A fiction documentary.

• O Fim e os meios - Fiction. Feature film.

Principal Photography expected for 2008.
ANCINE’s Incentive to the Quality of the Brazilian Cinema Award.


"O Fim e os meios" is a thriller. A Brazilian thriller without weapons. It is also a movie of disclosures. A movie of divergences. A movie about cruelty. A political movie. A love story.

With "O Fim e os Meios", we recover the need to view the micro and macro with surgical precision lenses and complex view. Looking is the issue of the cinema. Here we want to look at the characters and see Brazil. Looking at the tip of the iceberg and seeing the bottom underwater. The metaphoric return of those with inferiority complex.

A Brazilian thriller without weapons. Even better, an almost diary of a coward. Who tries to control his narrative at any price. But fortunately it escapes him.

• À Margem da Linha - Fiction. Feature Film.
Based on the novel with the same title by Paulo Rodrigues published by Editora Cosac & Naif
Project under development and screenplay writing
ANCINE’s Incentive to the Quality of the Brazilian Cinema Award.


Guri & Mano’s artifice in search of a subtle balance between the sublime and its distresses.

"À Margem da Linha" tells the story of two brothers, Mano, 16, and Guri, 11, who obstinately follow the train tracks, sometimes fleeting and sometimes in search of reasons and affections to exist and continue their journey.


• 2007. NOME PRÓPRIO | A Proper Name | Fiction. Feature Film.
           Ex: Uma História Real

Directed by Murilo Salles
130 minutes

with Leandra Leal.

Post-Production final stages.
First Cut: July 2007
Release: expected January 2008.


"A Proper Name" tells the story of a young woman who dedicates her life to her passion – writing. Camila is intense, complex and brave. For her what really matters is building her path as an act of reassuring her singularity. Her life is her narrative. Creating a narrative worthy of writing about herself.

"A Proper Name" is the look at a female character that faces the abyss where it gets the support she needs to exist. For Camila, life blossoms from the scars originated in her process of giving herself absolutely and vertiginously.

• 2005. ÁRIDO MOVIE - Fiction. Feature Film
Directed by Lírio Ferreira
120 minutes

with Guilherme Weber, Giulia Gam, Selton Mello, Matheus Nachtergaele, José Dumont, José Celso Martinez Corrêa, Renata Sorrah, Paulo César Peréio, Mariana Lima, Gustavo Falcão, Luis Carlos Vasconcelos.

Release Date: April 14 200
No. of viewers per copy: 4.460
Distributed by: Europa Filmes

10º Cine PE, April 2006
Best Film / "Critics Award" / Director Award to Lírio Ferreira / Cinematography Award to Murilo Salles / Film Editor Award to Vânia Debs / Supporting Actor Award to Selton Mello

10th Brazilian Film Festival of Miami, June 2006
Best Director: Lírio Ferreira


The Brazilian Northeast backlands, more precisely the Rocha Valley, is the real and symbolic territory of "ÁRIDO MOVIE", a movie that narrates many stories using the same strategy of the backlands goats that will follow any path in search of water.

"Árido Movie" tells the story of Jonas, who was taken away from his family at a young age and works in São Paulo, the largest city in Latin America, hosting a weather forecast TV program in a national TV network. His father’s unexpected murder takes him by surprise, since he’s been far away from his family for a long time and doesn’t have much contact with them. His relationship with his family is limited to occasional phone calls to his mother Stella, long separated from his father, who lives alone in Recife.

His father’s funeral compels him to return to his roots from which he has long been separated. However, Jonas ignores the real reason behind his return: his grandmother Dona Carmo, chooses him to seek revenge for her favorite son’s death and restore the family honor.

Jonas’ existential plunge into the dry landscape of the backlands is followed from a distance by his college friends: Bob, Zaca, and Vera, and closely by Soledad, a videomaker who is making a documentary about the importance of water as an element of social transformation and religious purification. Soledad is on the track of "Meu Velho", a religious cult leader who uses the "abstractous" water, stored in his underground tanks, to purify and save the soul of his faithful followers.

During his trip back, Jonas faces elements that constitute the biomorphic archetypes of the Brazilian backlands. Those are psychics; underground water explorers; religious devouts; and people, such as Indian Zé Elétrico, a mix of a tire repairman and a philosopher, who lives in a gas station at the city entrance, where the main actions happen, and is a reference to Wedja and Jurandir, remaining Indians from the same tribe.

When he arrives in Rocha, his birthplace, Jonas smells vengeance in the air. His father’s funeral is filled with ambiguous emotions. Feelings that range from a plea for peace to a spectrum of vengeance. Here Jonas discovers his misfortune: the weight of being the heir to a reality that he thought was no longer his.

The inheritance is also exhaustively coveted by Márcio Greyck, Lázaro’s bastard son, and by Salustiano, Jonas’ uncle. Together they try to stop Dona Carmo’s intentions of making her grandson the natural and rightful heir of the clan.

After drinking some hallucinogenic tea, made of a plant used by the Indians in rituals for contacting their gods, and having a psychedelic experience in the middle of the Rocha Valley, Jonas returns to the gas station where Zé Elétrico is murdered by Wedja or is it his imagination still under the effect of the tea that Jurema gave him?

"Árido Movie" describes scarcity in a universe where modernity plants, next to the “molasses grass”, its cellular phone and Internet provider towers, while keeping a challenge, crime and punishment, in order to recover a more existentialist motto – the access to the oldest of the riches: water.

• 2003. SEJA O QUE DEUS QUISER! – Fiction. Feature Film.
Que serah, serah...
Directed by Murilo Salles
90 minutes

with Marília Pera, Caio Junqueira, Rocco Pitanga, Ludmila Rosa & Deborah Lamm.

Rio International Film Festival - Oct. 2002
Winner: Popular Jury Best Film Award

In Competition | 25th Moscow International Film Festival 2003
Official Selection for the Brazilian Film Festival in Paris 2003

Release Date: 26 September 2003
Distributed by: Europa Filmes
International Sales: México (Television)


Cacá, a VJ who works for São Paulo MTV, goes to Rio de Janeiro to write a story on a new band whose members live in the Morro do Alemão slum. During the shootings she meets PQD, one of the musicians, and has an affair with him. On the next day, while PQD is at the bakery buying bread for breakfast, two street kids break into his home, kidnap Cacá and take her to an ATM machine. Nervous, she enters the wrong password, invalidating the card and suffers the consequences of her mistake. Wounded, she goes to the police station and files a report.

The musician is taken by surprise when he finds out that the police are chasing him at the slum. His only choice is to go to São Paulo and convince Cacá of his innocence. But he ends up in the hands of Cacá's brother, Nando, a "kid just for fun" of the São Paulo night, who tries to convince the Rio musician to take part in a scam so they can use the money to party. After that, whatever will be, will be!…

• 2003. ÉS TU BRASIL. Documentary Feature.
Directed by Murilo Salles
110 minutes.

Murilo Salles’ view of how the “brasility” rites act on the work of 4 artists: Tunga (sculptor), Deborah Colker (choreographer), Carlinhos Brown (musician) e Alexandre Herchcovitch (fashion designer).

Featured on TV Cultura in São Paulo, TV Senac and Rede Brasil de Televisão.

• 1996. COMO NASCEM OS ANJOS - Fiction. Feature Film.
Directed by Murilo Salles.
96 minutes

with Larry Pine, Priscila Assum, Silvio Guindane, Ryan Massey, André Mattos and Maria Silvia.

Release Date: 8 November 1996
No. Viewers per copy: 8,141
International Sales: France (Cable TV), Mexico (TV), Poland (Cable TV)
Distributed by: RIOFILMES

XXIII Huelva Ibero-American Film Festival Spain 1997
‘Colón de Oro’ Award of Official Jury Best Film

Gramado Film Festival 1996
Critics Jury best film / best director / "Special Jury Award" to actors Silvio Guindane and Priscila Assum / best cinematography / best music / best edition.

Brasília Film Festival 1996
Popular Jury best film / "Prêmio Jangada" – OCIC – International Catholic Organization for Cinema

"Contemporary World Cinema" . Toronto International Film Festival. 1996

"Internationales Forum" - Berlin Film Festival. 1997

. Best Film of the Year: "Associação Carioca de Críticos de Cinema"
. Best Film of the Year: "Associação Paulista de Críticos de Arte"
. Best Film and Director in 1996: ( "Critics" and "Popular Jury" Awards) SESC SP1997

• 1989. "FACA DE DOIS GUMES" - Fiction.
Directed by Murilo Salles
97 minutes

with Paulo José, Marieta Severo, Flávio Galvão and José de Abreu.

Release: 570,000 viewers in Brazilian movie theaters
International Sales: Germany, Japan, Portugal, plus all French-speaking countries and Cuba (one of the top grossing foreign films) – for movie theaters
Distributed by: Embrafilme

Gramado Film Festival
best director / best cinematography / best production design / best sound editing

"New Films, New Directors"
Museum of Modern Art [ MoMA ] New York

• 1984. NUNCA FOMOS TÃO FELIZES - Fiction. Feature Film.
Directed by Murilo Salles
90 minutes

with Roberto Bataglin, Cláudio Marzo and Suzana Vieira.

Release: 270,000 viewers in exhibition in Brazil
International Sales: France (Movie Theaters); Cuba (Movie Theaters)

Bronze Leopard
Locarno International Film Festival - Switzerland.

Europa Filmes On Eyed Films